Archives for Action Recognition

16 Jun

Action Recognition Using Inflated 3D CNN


We all have audienced the fantastic deep learning approaches that have regularly or empirically, demonstrated better than ever success each and every time in learning image representation tasks, such as image captioning, semantic segmentation, object detection, and so on. With a wide variety of convolutional neural networks on our hands, this has enabled us to…

The post Action Recognition Using Inflated 3D CNN appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

10 Nov

How To Use UCF101, The Largest Dataset Of Human Actions


UCF-101 dataset has 101 actions and 13320 clips of human actions, collected from youtube were first introduced in 2012 by researchers: Khurram Soomro, Amir Roshan Zamir and Mubarak Shah of Center for Research in Computer Vision, Orlando, FL 32816, USA. The clips in the action class are divided into 25 groups. Each group contains 4-7 clips. Clips in each group share some common features like background or actor.

The post How To Use UCF101, The Largest Dataset Of Human Actions appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.