Archives for generative pre-training

06 Oct

All Recent Books Written By GPT-3

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, or GPT-3, is an autoregressive language model that can produce human-like meaningful text. It is the third and the latest generation of OpenAI’s language prediction model. The language model is further task-agnostic and improves few-shot performance.  GPT-3 is extremely popular among the machine learning community for it can generate human-like stories,…
06 Oct

All Recent Books Written By GPT-3

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, or GPT-3, is an autoregressive language model that can produce human-like meaningful text. It is the third and the latest generation of OpenAI’s language prediction model. The language model is further task-agnostic and improves few-shot performance.  GPT-3 is extremely popular among the machine learning community for it can generate human-like stories,…
19 Nov

How To Get Started With OpenAI’s GPT-2 For Text Generation


OpenAI’s GPT-2 or Generative Pre-Training version 2 is a state-of-the-art language model that can generate text like humans. It is unmatched when it comes to a model that is generalised yet capable of outperforming models trained on specific tasks. Recently, OpenAI open-sourced the complete model with about 1.5 billion parameters after creating a buzz over…

The post How To Get Started With OpenAI’s GPT-2 For Text Generation appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.