Archives for Facebook AI model

06 Jan

Tech Behind Facebook AI’s Latest Technique To Train Computer Vision Models


While image classification sounds like a simple process to human ears, it can be a daunting task for machines. Thus, purely based on attention, neural networks have dramatically improved image understanding tasks; however, these visual transformers have typically been pre-trained with massive sets of images using expensive infrastructures. This, in turn, restrains a larger part…

The post Tech Behind Facebook AI’s Latest Technique To Train Computer Vision Models appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

07 Nov

Facebook’s New AI System Can Pass Multiple-Choice Intelligence Tests


Recently, a team of researchers from Facebook AI and Tel Aviv University proposed an AI system that solves the multiple-choice intelligence test, Raven’s Progressive Matrices. The proposed AI system is a neural network model that combines multiple advances in generative models, including employing multiple pathways through the same network.  Raven’s Progressive Matrices, also known as…

The post Facebook’s New AI System Can Pass Multiple-Choice Intelligence Tests appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

12 Apr

Facebook’s New AI Models Run 5x Faster On GPUs, Outperforms EfficientNet Models

Researchers from Facebook AI recently introduced a new network design paradigm known as RegNet. RegNet – or Regular Networks – is a low-dimensional design space that consists of simple, regular networks. The researchers analyzed the RegNet design space and arrived at interesting findings, which are a unique match to the current practice of network design. …

The post Facebook’s New AI Models Run 5x Faster On GPUs, Outperforms EfficientNet Models appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.