Archives for evaluation

07 Mar

Python Code for Evaluation Metrics in ML/AI for Classification Problems


Evaluation of a machine learning model is crucial to measure its performance. Numerous metrics are used in the evaluation of a machine learning model. Selection of the most suitable metrics is important to fine-tune a model based on its performance. In this article, we discuss the mathematical background and application of evaluation metrics in classification…

The post Python Code for Evaluation Metrics in ML/AI for Classification Problems appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

05 Aug

Tensorboard Tutorial – Visualize the Model Performance During Training


In image classification when you train a Deep Learning model it takes a lot of time. We are unable to check what all is going on when a model is getting trained. Even some of the models that were trained on the Image Net dataset took many days to get trained. But what do you…

The post Tensorboard Tutorial – Visualize the Model Performance During Training appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

24 Jul

How Good Is BERT For Filling The Gap Between Accuracy Scores & Language Comprehension?


BERT has set a new benchmark for NLP tasks. And, this has been documented quite well over the past six months. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers or BERT, which was open sourced last year, offered a new ground to embattle the intricacies involved in understanding the language models. BERT used WordPiece embeddings with a 30,000…

The post How Good Is BERT For Filling The Gap Between Accuracy Scores & Language Comprehension? appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

30 Apr

Fundamental Techniques For Model Evaluation Every ML Enthusiast Should Know


ML models are deployed for something as trivial as purchasing a toothbrush or to gravely significant applications like cancer detection or for safety of nuclear plants. Whatever be the application, the foundations of an ML model are rooted in mathematics-dot products, partial differentiation, network topology etc. Since the ground truth is very well known, few…

The post Fundamental Techniques For Model Evaluation Every ML Enthusiast Should Know appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

30 Apr

Fundamental Techniques For Model Evaluation Every ML Enthusiast Should Know


ML models are deployed for something as trivial as purchasing a toothbrush or to gravely significant applications like cancer detection or for safety of nuclear plants. Whatever be the application, the foundations of an ML model are rooted in mathematics-dot products, partial differentiation, network topology etc. Since the ground truth is very well known, few…

The post Fundamental Techniques For Model Evaluation Every ML Enthusiast Should Know appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.