Archives for game thoery

15 Dec

Party Loving Genius John von Neumann Changed How We See The World Through Game Theory


Eugene Wigner, the Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist had once said, “One had the impression of a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a  thousandth of an inch.” He was not talking about any latest gadget, he was talking about the mind of John von Neumann. Computer science, philosophy, economics, political science…

The post Party Loving Genius John von Neumann Changed How We See The World Through Game Theory appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

05 Dec

Essential Game Theory Books For Any Data Scientist


The Game Theory has numerous applications in biology, economics and even artificial intelligence. The latest result of game theory’s application in machine learning is generative adversarial networks which have revolutionised the field of videos and images analysis. To put it simply, game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction between different kinds…

The post Essential Game Theory Books For Any Data Scientist appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.