Author Archives: Mudit Rustagi

26 Jun

Python Guide To Google’s T5 Transformer For Text Summarizer

We will discuss Google AI’s state-of-the-art, T5 transformer which is a text to text transformer model. The gist of the paper is a survey of the existing modern transfer learning techniques used in Natural Language Understanding, proposing a unified framework that will combine all language problems into a text-to-text format.

The post Python Guide To Google’s T5 Transformer For Text Summarizer appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

16 Jun

Action Recognition Using Inflated 3D CNN


We all have audienced the fantastic deep learning approaches that have regularly or empirically, demonstrated better than ever success each and every time in learning image representation tasks, such as image captioning, semantic segmentation, object detection, and so on. With a wide variety of convolutional neural networks on our hands, this has enabled us to…

The post Action Recognition Using Inflated 3D CNN appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

13 Jun

Guide to CleanText: A Python Package to Clean Raw Text Data

The real world is a messy, messy place. Everyone has different opinions, but they can’t help but agree on this fact! What else is messy? Data !! Lots and lots of data which we collect, scrape or extract from numerous sources. So messy that in a survey, it was mentioned that data scientists spend around…

The post Guide to CleanText: A Python Package to Clean Raw Text Data appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

09 Jun

A Beginner’s Guide to GPT Neo (With Python Codes)


Ever thought about writing a code that can code for you?! Or generate contextualised text on the subject you want ?! Well, the solution to all of these use cases were given by OpenAI, which is a large scale organisation considered by many to be leading the world in Artificial Intelligence,   when they introduced…

The post A Beginner’s Guide to GPT Neo (With Python Codes) appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.