Archives for Addverb technologies for automation

14 May

Robotics As A Service Will Be The New Trend: Sangeet Kumar, Addverb Technologies

The automation market is projected to reach a valuation of $253 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period (2021-2026), as per the Global Industrial Automation Market Outlook report. Analytics India Magazine got in touch with Sangeet Kumar, Co-founder & CEO, Addverb Technologies, to understand the ins and outs of…

The post Robotics As A Service Will Be The New Trend: Sangeet Kumar, Addverb Technologies appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

14 May

Robotics As A Service Will Be The New Trend: Sangeet Kumar, Addverb Technologies

The automation market is projected to reach a valuation of $253 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period (2021-2026), as per the Global Industrial Automation Market Outlook report. Analytics India Magazine got in touch with Sangeet Kumar, Co-founder & CEO, Addverb Technologies, to understand the ins and outs of…

The post Robotics As A Service Will Be The New Trend: Sangeet Kumar, Addverb Technologies appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.