Archives for embeddings

27 Jan

Now, OpenAI API have text and code embeddings

OpenAI has introduced embeddings, a new endpoint in the OpenAI API, to assist in semantic search, clustering, topic modeling, and classification. OpenAI’s embeddings outperform top models in three standard benchmarks, including a 20% relative improvement in code search. Embeddings are really useful for working with natural language and code. The embeddings that are numerically similar […]
23 Jan

Machine Learning Makes Amazon’s Alexa Smarter, Reduces Error Rate By 8%


Alexa, Amazon’s poster child for connected home devices, has recently received yet another update. Researchers have developed a method of implementing improved natural language processing in the model, cutting the error rate by 8%. This was done through a combination of transfer learning and utilising AI to generate ‘embeddings’ of words. Transfer learning was implemented…

The post Machine Learning Makes Amazon’s Alexa Smarter, Reduces Error Rate By 8% appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.