Archives for explainable AI milestones

25 Nov

Top Milestones On Explainable AI In 2020

Explainable artificial intelligence is an emerging method for boosting reliability, accountability, and dependence in critical areas. This is done by merging machine learning approaches with explanatory methods that reveal what the decision criteria are or why they have been established and allow people to better understand and control AI-powered tools.  Below here, we have discussed…

The post Top Milestones On Explainable AI In 2020 appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

25 Nov

Top Milestones On Explainable AI In 2020

Explainable artificial intelligence is an emerging method for boosting reliability, accountability, and dependence in critical areas. This is done by merging machine learning approaches with explanatory methods that reveal what the decision criteria are or why they have been established and allow people to better understand and control AI-powered tools.  Below here, we have discussed…

The post Top Milestones On Explainable AI In 2020 appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.