Archives for association rule mining

Making association rule mining interpretable and explainable plays an important role in decision making. In this article, we will discuss association rule mining and we will do a hands-on implementation of this technique using the PyCaret library.

Apriori is a Join-Based algorithm and FP-Growth is Tree-Based algorithm for frequent itemset mining or frequent pattern mining for market basket analysis.

Apriori is a Join-Based algorithm and FP-Growth is Tree-Based algorithm for frequent itemset mining or frequent pattern mining for market basket analysis.
One of the critical aspects of machine learning technique is data mining, where patterns in large data sets are discovered using statistics and database systems. However, identifying patterns in a large data set can be a challenging task; thus, association rule mining comes handy. While most machine learning algorithms work on numeric data, association rule…
The post 6 Top Open Source Tools For Association Rule Mining appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.