Archives for edge intelligence

02 Apr

A Beginner’s Guide To Edge Intelligence


When edge computing is merged with machine learning, we get edge intelligence. As the name suggests, it is a domain that deals with leveraging intelligence/insights acquired through data at a local level. According to Cisco’s forecast, there will be 850 ZB of data generated by mobile users and IoT devices by 2021. With increasing volume,…

The post A Beginner’s Guide To Edge Intelligence appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

02 Apr

A Beginner’s Guide To Edge Intelligence


When edge computing is merged with machine learning, we get edge intelligence. As the name suggests, it is a domain that deals with leveraging intelligence/insights acquired through data at a local level. According to Cisco’s forecast, there will be 850 ZB of data generated by mobile users and IoT devices by 2021. With increasing volume,…

The post A Beginner’s Guide To Edge Intelligence appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.