Archives for aadhaar card to address fraud identity
DeepTalk is an interactive series where leaders, experts, trendsetters at the forefront of technological changes discuss and share their unique perspectives and knowledge with community professionals on disruptive technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, Fintech and IoT. The fifth episode of DeepTalk ‘One decade. One billion. One Aadhaar.’ is about the birth of Aadhaar to address…
The post The Birth Of Aadhaar To Address Problems Of Fraud And Duplication In Individual Identities: Aadhaar Chief Architect Dr Pramod Varma appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.
DeepTalk is an interactive series where leaders, experts, trendsetters at the forefront of technological changes discuss and share their unique perspectives and knowledge with community professionals on disruptive technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, Fintech and IoT. The fifth episode of DeepTalk ‘One decade. One billion. One Aadhaar.’ is about the birth of Aadhaar to address…
The post The Birth Of Aadhaar To Address Problems Of Fraud And Duplication In Individual Identities: Aadhaar Chief Architect Dr Pramod Varma appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.