Archives for centernet

19 May

Getting Started With Object Detection Using TensorFlow


Object detection is the process of classifying and locating objects in an image using a deep learning model. Object detection is a crucial task in autonomous Computer Vision applications such as Robot Navigation, Self-driving Vehicles, Sports Analytics and Virtual Reality.  Locating objects is done mostly with bounding boxes. Instance segmentation masks and key points are…

The post Getting Started With Object Detection Using TensorFlow appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

20 Dec

OneNet: Introduction to End-to-End One-Stage Object Detection


Object detection is one of the most talked-about subjects in the Artificial intelligence domain, object detection can be on an image or video; It can be multiple object detection in one shot using YOLO techniques or other models like Google EfficientDet, and CenterNet, In all of these different object detection, approaches everyone is trying to…

The post OneNet: Introduction to End-to-End One-Stage Object Detection appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.