Archives for Google quantum computing

06 Jul

Inside Google’s Quantum AI Campus


Google is on a mission to build an error-corrected quantum computer. To begin this ambitious journey, the tech giant has set up a Quantum AI Campus in Santa Barbara, California, housing Google’s first quantum data center, quantum hardware research laboratories and quantum processor chip fabrication facilities.  Google said their future challenges include building more efficient…

The post Inside Google’s Quantum AI Campus appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

02 Sep

The Largest Ever Chemical Experiment For Quantum Computers


Quantum computing is an expensive and tricky affair. Even if one manages to accumulate all the funds to set up one QC, the exponential scaling in the number of quantum variables makes it difficult to find the exact solutions. It gets more challenging in the case of quantum chemical equations. The solution remains out of…

The post The Largest Ever Chemical Experiment For Quantum Computers appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

20 Mar

Top Applications Of Quantum Computing Everyone Should Know About

With the exponential growth in computing power, quantum computing is getting ready for its close up. Quantum computers are ideally suited to solving complex problems, which are hard for classical computers but are easy to factor on a quantum computer. Such an advancement creates a world of opportunities, across almost every aspect of modern life. In fact, […]

The post Top Applications Of Quantum Computing Everyone Should Know About appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

24 Jul

Tech Giants Pour Big Money In Quantum Research, But Is The Revolution Near?


In 2018, the news cycle harped that it was the year of quantum computing. It is 2019 now ⁠— and the situation remains the same. However, even though nobody expects quantum computing to go mainstream anytime soon, the landscape is dominated by frenetic R&D and VC investment activity. Top areas of research being pursued by…

The post Tech Giants Pour Big Money In Quantum Research, But Is The Revolution Near? appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

22 Nov

Will Google & NASA Joining Hands Make Quantum Computing A Household Word


  With quantum computers, the next wave of transition might not take that long. The next 5 decades of advancements might reduce present-day supercomputer to the level of an abacus in comparison with super quantum computers.   Google and NASA have joined hands to commercialize quantum computing back in 2013. And, they have made extraordinary…

The post Will Google & NASA Joining Hands Make Quantum Computing A Household Word appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.