Archives for back propagation
The ongoing episode between the pioneers of AI, Juergen Schmidhuber and Geoff Hinton, only gets worse as Dr Schmidhuber responds to Dr Hinton getting awarded the Honda prize back in November 2019. The Honda Prize, established in 1980 and awarded once every year, is an international award that recognises the work of individuals or groups…
The post Geoff Hinton Agrees That He Didn’t Invent Backpropagation: A New Chapter In The Ongoing Saga appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.
Deep Learning has benefited primarily and continues to do so thanks to the pioneering works of Geoff Hinton, Yann Lecun and Yoshua Bengio in the late 1980s. Contributions of Yann Lecun, especially in developing convolutional neural networks and their applications in computer vision and other areas of artificial intelligence form the basis of many products…
The post 5 Groundbreaking Papers That Are Testimony To Yann Lecun’s Ingenuity appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.
Let’s Not Stop At Back-prop! Check Out 5 Alternatives To This Popular Deep Learning Technique
Back-propagation is the procedure of repeatedly adjusting the weights of the connections in the neural network to minimize the difference between actual output and desired output. These weight adjustments result in making the hidden units of the neural network to represent key features of the data. Back-propagation is an ingenious idea that also has its…
The post Let’s Not Stop At Back-prop! Check Out 5 Alternatives To This Popular Deep Learning Technique appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.
Back-propagation algorithm in simpler terms can be typified as learning how to ride a bicycle. After a few unfortunate falls, one learns how to avoid the fall. And every fall teaches how to ride the bike better and not lean too much on either side so as not to fall before reaching the destination. Today,…
The post Is Deep Learning Possible Without Back-propagation? appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.
Deep Learning has seeped in almost every organisation and their day-to-day activities — right from the health sector to the music industry. This subset of machine learning is expected to reach $28.83 billion and expand at a CAGR of 48.4% during the period of 2018-2023. In this article, we list down seven deep learning methods…
The post 7 Deep Learning Methods Every AI Enthusiast Must Know appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.