Archives for economics

15 Oct

How Data Is At The Core Of Abhijit Banerjee’s Experimental Economics For Alleviating Global Poverty


“All too often, the economics of poverty gets mistaken for poor economics. Because the poor possess very little, it is assumed that there is nothing interesting about their economic existence,” reads an excerpt from the book written by Nobel Laureates Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo in 2011. The book is a seminal work in the…

The post How Data Is At The Core Of Abhijit Banerjee’s Experimental Economics For Alleviating Global Poverty appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

11 May

Can Self-Replicating Robots Lead To A Society Without Scarcity?


The status quo of economies today seems to be leaning towards automation as the base provider of all products and services. Owing to rise of robots in factories and AI in computing, automation is becoming one of the most integral parts of society. While self-replicating robots have largely been kept to science fiction books, their…

The post Can Self-Replicating Robots Lead To A Society Without Scarcity? appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

15 Dec

Party Loving Genius John von Neumann Changed How We See The World Through Game Theory


Eugene Wigner, the Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist had once said, “One had the impression of a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a  thousandth of an inch.” He was not talking about any latest gadget, he was talking about the mind of John von Neumann. Computer science, philosophy, economics, political science…

The post Party Loving Genius John von Neumann Changed How We See The World Through Game Theory appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.