03 Apr

How To Build An Efficient Machine Learning Pipeline


To a business, machine learning can deliver much-needed insights in a faster and more accurate way. The main objective of having a proper pipeline for any ML model is to exercise control over it. A well-organised pipeline makes the implementation more flexible. It is like having an exploded view of a car engine where you…

The post How To Build An Efficient Machine Learning Pipeline appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

How To Build An Efficient Machine Learning Pipeline


To a business, machine learning can deliver much-needed insights in a faster and more accurate way. The main objective of having a proper pipeline for any ML model is to exercise control over it. A well-organised pipeline makes the implementation more flexible. It is like having an exploded view of a car engine where you…

The post How To Build An Efficient Machine Learning Pipeline appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

Information As Second Language Can Bridge Data Literacy Divide In Organisations


As the world moves towards a more data-rich environment, the need for an organisation to understand and fully utilise the capabilities of these data is ever growing. However, as 90% of the data that is currently available is relatively new, one of the main challenges that organisations face is the inability of the workforce to…

The post Information As Second Language Can Bridge Data Literacy Divide In Organisations appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

TensorFlow Vs PyTorch: Top 10 Differences Between The Two ML Libraries


Libraries play an important role when developers decide to work in machine learning or deep learning researches. According to this article, a survey based on a sample of 1,616 ML developers and data scientists, for every one developer using PyTorch, there are 3.4 developers using TensorFlow. In this article, we list down 10 comparisons between…

The post TensorFlow Vs PyTorch: Top 10 Differences Between The Two ML Libraries appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

5 Hottest Jobs In Data Science, Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Today


The data science job market is growing in the Indian subcontinent to be one of the biggest sources of new jobs in the country. Driven by government influence on the state of AI innovation in the country, more and more companies are looking to expand and hire new data science talent. Keeping that in mind,…

The post 5 Hottest Jobs In Data Science, Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Today appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

Top AI, IoT Undergrad Courses STEM Students Can Consider After Class XII


Now that the Class XII board exams are underway, in a few months the students would be at that juncture in life which is considered to be the defining moment of their lives — choosing the right courses to be in the right career path. Though word on the street is that engineering and other…

The post Top AI, IoT Undergrad Courses STEM Students Can Consider After Class XII appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Apr

Top 5 AI-Based Document Processing Platforms


The kind of applications and avenues that AI opens up knows no bounds. Machine learning algorithms are now capable of solving human-like tasks involving vision and sound. The computer vision techniques today go beyond images themselves to any type of digital information. AI, with its unprecedented amount of computing power, now can afford to learn…

The post Top 5 AI-Based Document Processing Platforms appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

02 Apr

Google’s Rajan Anandan Scripts A New Role As Mentor For Indian Startup Community


Rajan Anandan, South East Asia and India vice president at Google made a major career move by leaving the global tech giant to join venture capital firm Sequoia Capital India as a managing director. It doesn’t come as a major surprise as Anandan has always been supporting the tech startup community with generous funding, supporting…

The post Google’s Rajan Anandan Scripts A New Role As Mentor For Indian Startup Community appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

02 Apr

Google’s Rajan Anandan Scripts A New Role As Mentor For Indian Startup Community


Rajan Anandan, South East Asia and India vice president at Google made a major career move by leaving the global tech giant to join venture capital firm Sequoia Capital India as a managing director. It doesn’t come as a major surprise as Anandan has always been supporting the tech startup community with generous funding, supporting…

The post Google’s Rajan Anandan Scripts A New Role As Mentor For Indian Startup Community appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.