Archives for AlphaGo - Page 2

25 Dec

Can Artificial Intelligence Enable Robots To Play Social Games Like Pictionary?


Artificial intelligence has now entered every sphere of our lives. Autonomous robots are self-dictated, have emotional intelligence and can analyse their surroundings and react accordingly. Robots like Smartibot, Vector by Anki and Evie are some of the coolest robots in the market. They can perform walk, perform chores and even play games. IISc Research AI…

The post Can Artificial Intelligence Enable Robots To Play Social Games Like Pictionary? appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

23 Nov

5 Games That Have Helped AI Become More Intelligent


There are many games today that artificial intelligence has learned to master. In fact, they have even managed to beat humans in several cases. Games form the perfect testbeds for AI programmes because they provide a restricted and safe environment to develop and test it. Here is a list of the top games that have…

The post 5 Games That Have Helped AI Become More Intelligent appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.