Author Archives: Poulomi Chatterjee - Page 19
Telangana is building an Integrated Police Command Centre in Banjara Hills in Hyderabad costing Rs 800 crores.
The split led to the myth that while it was easier to automate man’s higher reasoning functions, it was harder to automate the functions that humans shared with other animals.
While the Mercedes could only drive itself on the freeway, Tesla’s vehicle can work anywhere.
The study found that the unfair predictions inspite of fair labelling were happening because a feature that the outcome relied on was statistically dependent on the sensitive attribute.
OpenAI started using academic datasets to evaluate language models but found that these benchmark datasets were not inclusive of the real-life dangers of safety and misuse.
Hatica was built using TypeScript and Golang.
Written in TypeScript, Bhailang uses code that is a part of the Hindi local lingo. Every instruction in the language includes the word ‘bhai’ in it.
Andrej Karpathy, the director of AI at Tesla, who also heads the Autopilot Vision team, pointed out that his favourite update in the version was that a GPT-like transformer could now predict lanes and their connectivity.
Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky had earlier expressed enthusiasm about the Indian market.
The best models for audio datasets are ResNet and EffNet. Tenenholtz justified the usage of image models for audio datasets.