Author Archives: Meeta Ramnani - Page 13
Hugging Face’s newly added Perceiver IO to Transformers works on all modalities like text, images, audio, etc.
Starting with Gandhinagar, Gujarat will soon become the first state to have artificial intelligence judging driving skills and approve licence
WebGPT produces answers that are preferred 56% of the time to answers written by human demonstrators
The researchers use AI to capture individual movements from a video input and convert them into digital avatars.
To match the demand of local and global markets, the government wants to strongly support companies interested in setting up or expanding Semiconductor FABs in India
A customised GPT-3 is capable of doing all the tasks that GPT-3 can, but better
To advance speech technology, the MLCommons Association has made Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus (MSWC) and People’s Speech Dataset available to develop ML models
With the acquisition of CompuGain, a designated AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Unisys has expanded and deepened its cloud expertise.
Fed-up of the hate speech on social media, and after seeing its impact on the mental health of people around her, Barua decided to make a bot herself.
Intel is working on software that allows laptops to tap into computing power from other devices