Archives for Ensemble Learning - Page 2

23 May

Basics Of Ensemble Learning In Classification Techniques Explained


One of the major tasks of machine learning algorithms is to construct a fair model from a dataset. The process of generating models from data is called learning or training and the learned model can be called as hypothesis or learner. The learning algorithms which construct a set of classifiers and then classify new data…

The post Basics Of Ensemble Learning In Classification Techniques Explained appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

15 May

Guide To Implement StackingCVRegressor In Python With MachineHack’s Predicting Restaurant Food Cost Hackathon


For someone who has an interest in Data Science, Regression is probably one of the first Predictive Models that s/he may begin with. Regression is easier to understand and even easier to implement considering all those ready made packages and libraries all set to perform complex mathematical computations effortlessly without leaving his or her brain…

The post Guide To Implement StackingCVRegressor In Python With MachineHack’s Predicting Restaurant Food Cost Hackathon appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

15 Jan

Implementing Model Averaging To Reduce Variance Using Keras


Deep learning neural networks are highly capable networks that can predict and solve problems with complexity. Yet the model comes with an inbuilt disability, a model may not always have the same prediction in terms of accuracy on the same machine with the same dataset. Although the model may come up with a good prediction…

The post Implementing Model Averaging To Reduce Variance Using Keras appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.