Archives for GANs - Page 2

20 Aug

My Small Project on Animating Images & Videos Using GANsNRoses


GANsNRoses is an open-source library that creates new Images by building a mapping that takes face images and produces them to anime drawings of faces. With the contents of the image being preserved, the same face could be represented in many different ways in the anime. GANsNRoses consists of a function that takes a content code recovered from the face image and a style code, a latent variable that produces an anime face. GNR uses the same image with different augmentations to form a batch, constraining the spatial invariance in style codes, all style codes being the same across the batch. The Diversity Discriminator present looks at batch-wise statistics by explicitly computing the minibatch standard deviation across the batch. This ensures diversity within each batch of images, in turn producing unique animated images. 

The post My Small Project on Animating Images & Videos Using GANsNRoses appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

28 Jul

Hands-On Guide To Image Extrapolation With Boundless-GAN


Image extrapolation is such a task in computer vision that aims to fill the surrounding region of a sub-image, e.g. completing the object appearing in the image or predicting the unseen view from the scene picture. This task is extremely challenging since the extrapolated image must be realistic with reasonable and meaningful context. Moreover, the extrapolated region should be consistent in structure and texture with the original sub-image.

The post Hands-On Guide To Image Extrapolation With Boundless-GAN appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

24 Jul

Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior


Technology and Technological developments in this decade have led to some of the most awe-inspiring discoveries. With rapidly changing technology and systems to support them and provide back-end processing power, the world seems to be becoming a better place to live day by day. Technology has reached such new heights that nothing our ingenious mind…

The post Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

06 Jul

Breathing Life Into Robots Through Simulators


Simulation enables engineers to prototype rapidly and with minimal human effort. In robotics, physics simulations provide a secure and low-cost virtual playground for robots to gain physical skills through Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). However, simulations use hand-derived physics that will have difficulty adapting when tested on real hardware. This challenge is termed the “sim-to-real gap”…

The post Breathing Life Into Robots Through Simulators appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.