Archives for future - Page 2

12 Dec

How DeepMind’s Reinforcement Agent Dreamer Can Predict The Future 


Among the various applications of reinforced learning, DeepMind is now using RL to train its new reinforcement agent, Dreamer to learn to predict the actions of an object based on its current state. In short: its immediate future. Reinforcement learning is that area of machine learning where an agent takes suitable actions in order to…

The post How DeepMind’s Reinforcement Agent Dreamer Can Predict The Future  appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

06 Nov

3 Factors That Lead to An AI-Based Product’s Commercial Success


When it comes to commercial success in the longer run, not every tech pulls off the same way from others. There are many reasons for this. Here we highlight three key instances why a technology may or may not make it big in the market. How Will The New Tech Solve Current Problems Better? Data…

The post 3 Factors That Lead to An AI-Based Product’s Commercial Success appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.