Author Archives: Amal Nair - Page 19

05 Dec

Dating Game Explained With Probabilistic Graphical Models And Neural Networks


Neural Networks are a network of nodes which can process data and extract valuable insights, inspired from biological neurons within the brain. They were introduced with the sole purpose of recreating or achieving the capabilities of a human brain. A neural network predicts by determining the correlation between the input and output. What Is A…

The post Dating Game Explained With Probabilistic Graphical Models And Neural Networks appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Dec

Facebook’s Reinforcement Learning Platform ‘Horizon’ Is Shaping The Future Of Intelligent Interaction


Reinforcement Learning is a reward-based learning algorithm in which an agent or a system interacts with its environment, looks for a reward and adapts to the change in state of the environment. The easiest and most common example to relate Reinforcement Learning to the real world is by understanding the learning process of a baby.…

The post Facebook’s Reinforcement Learning Platform ‘Horizon’ Is Shaping The Future Of Intelligent Interaction appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.

03 Dec

Understanding Time Series Analysis: A Deep Dive


This is the age of machines and it is data that is the living soul for these machines. No machine can understand any human language, they only understand numbers and operations, numbers that have gone through complex computations. Before understanding what Time Series Analysis is, let us first have a closer look at a Time…

The post Understanding Time Series Analysis: A Deep Dive appeared first on Analytics India Magazine.